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SBL-SVC-00155: No file has been attached to this record

Applies to:

Siebel Call Center - Version: [20417] to[21219] - Release: V8 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Error combinations (SBL-SVC-00155; SBL-EAI-04376) and (SBL-EAI-04367; SBL-UIF-00230)  during ADM deployment of Correspondence Templates on target system.


The error is misleading, it says that there is no file attached to this record, but records are present.

The BUG:10504793 - 'EXPORT FAILS FOR ADM COMM PACKAGE DATA TYPE' has been raised to address this behavior. Therefore, it was identified that this is not a Bug as during the ADM deployment of Correspondence template its mandatory to use a deployment filter while exporting.


The following deployment filter has resolved the problem:[Active] like 'Y' AND [CorrtmplFileExt] like 'doc'

Applies to:

Siebel Reports - Version SIA [21233] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


1. Log in to FINSeCustomer application (or other SI application)
2. Try to run BIP report
3. Error "SBL-SVC-00155: No file has been attached to this record. Please attach a file." is displayed

The errors below are displayed in XMLPReportServer log:

SBL-DAT-00179: Invalid login position id '0-57T1J'.
SBL-DAT-00544: The position (ID=0-57T1J) could not be set for the current user (USERNAME).  See additional error messages for more information.


 Issue is caused because Web users do not hold positions so they inherit from Proxy employee. Employee Login was missing.


1. Log into Siebel as Siebel Administrator
2. Look for the Test User account that you are using in the 'Administration - User > Users view'
3. Enter the value of 'Employee Login' field as 'PROXYE'. You would find this field in the detail applet on the bottom.
4. Save the changes.
5. Now try to log in with the same user in the SI application and test your report.  

Applies to:

Siebel Reports - Version 8.1.1 SIA [21111] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When using the Report Template Registration: screen, to register files against the Oracle BI Publisher Server,  a number of standard report defintions will fail to upload.
Further details of registering the templates can be found in chapter “Creating Siebel Reports “, Section “Registering Report Templates for Siebel Reports”
The following change requests were logged for the failing templates:

12-1R7NCW6 - FS Inventory Cost Detail -reports that template does not exist
12-1R7NCUR - BIP Expense Report - reports that template does not exist
12-1R7NCTA - Account Promotion Deal Sheet -errors template does not exist


Two of the standard Reports will fail to upload when running Siebel Server on all platforms.
Report Name
FS Inventory Cost Detail
BIP Expense Report

The following report fails to upload when Siebel Server is running on all  Unix platforms:
Report Name
Account Promotion Deal Sheet


The following error is reported to the user and in the XMLPReportServer component logfile.
No file has been attached to this record.
Please attach a file.(SBL-SVC-00155) (0xa6009b))


Copy the relevant *.rtf and *xsl and template files from the Siebel Server\xmlp\templates directory to a drive accessible from your browser.

Below are the xsl,rtf filenames for the reports.

Report NameXSL filenameRTF filename
FS Inventory Cost Detail incostdet .xsl incostdet .rtf
BIP Expense Report exprep.xsl exprep.rtf
Account Promotion Deal Sheet cs_proplandet.xsl CS_ProPlanDet.rtf

Then for each of the Report templates, manually attach these files to the Report Registration definition.

-On field “Template”, click the ellipis and you are prompted for a file. Choose the relevant *rtf file
-On field “XLIFF”, click the ellipis and you are prompted for a file. Choose the relevant *xsl file
-Save the record.
Its is then possible to use the "Upload Files" button to upload the definitions to the Oracle BI Publisher Server
NOTE: Custom reports failed with this same error message, when the xliff has not been generated properly.
Solution is to generate the xliff via BI Publisher desktop and then upload and generate BIP Report.

Applies to:

Siebel Reports - Version 8.1 [21039] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running a BI Publisher report from the Siebel web client and having selected an output format for the report an error message is returned :
XMLP Report Generation time exceeds the Threshold time
 If you then navigate into the Site Map > BIP Reports Server > My Reports and try to drilldown on the generated report a different error is returned :

SBL-SVC-00155: No file has been attached to this record. Please attach a file.


Having increased the logging levels on the XMLP Report Server component, restarted it, and then re-tested the behavior it was evident from a review of the log file that the timeout errors were occurring because the XMLP Report Server component was unable to connect to the BI Publisher Server within the Timeout period. Evidence of this can be seen in the log file excerpt below :

EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:01:59 *** HTTP Transport Parameters:
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:01:59 Request URL = http://xx.xx.xx.xx:9704/xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:01:59 Request Method = POST
EAITransportPerf EAITransportPerf 5 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 Created Request Connection|4617

EAITransport EAITransportGeneric 3 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 Dropped old connection and creating new connection for 'Request'
EAITransportPerf EAITransportPerf 5 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 Destroyed Request Connection|2

EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 *** HTTP Transport Parameters:
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 Request URL = http://xx.xx.xx.xx:9704/xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 Request Method = POST
EAITransportPerf EAITransportPerf 5 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 Created Request Connection|6

EAITransport EAITransportGeneric 3 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:03 Sending Request
EAITransport EAITransportDebug 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:04 *** HTTP request Headers for Data Send Request:
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0
Accept: text/*
SOAPAction: ""
Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8

ObjMgrLog Error 1 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 (httptransport.cpp (1631)) SBL-EAI-04115: Cannot connect to the server
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 Business Service 'EAI HTTP Transport' invoke method 'SendReceive' Execute Time: 5.902 seconds.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 End: Business Service 'EAI HTTP Transport' invoke method: 'SendReceive' at a231100
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 Business Service 'PublicReportService' invoke method 'runReport' Execute Time: 30.095 seconds.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 End: Business Service 'PublicReportService' invoke method: 'runReport' at a3e0270
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Delete 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 Business Service 'PublicReportService' (address: 'a3e0270')was unregsitered at model '12ff3c0' for session ''
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Delete 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 Business Service 'PublicReportService' was deleted at a3e0270
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 (xmlpadaptersvc.cpp (1378)) SBL-EAI-04115: Cannot connect to the server
XMLPReportLog XMLPReportError 1 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 Error in generating Report Output file /crm/app/siebel/product/ List1-6BGX.PDF in the XMLP Engine
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 (xmlpadaptersvc.cpp (1696)) SBL-RPT-50524: BI Publisher engine failed to generate report.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog InvokeMethod 4 000005fb4a6f30e4:0 2009-08-04 10:02:05 Business Service 'XMLP Adapter Service' invoke method 'RunBIPReport' Execute Time: 30.161 seconds.

The following additional error message may also be reported in some scenarios :
ObjMgrLog Error 1 000022d94c891d18:0 2010-09-10 09:22:59 (httptransport.cpp (1631)) SBL-EAI-04116: HTTP Internet Exception during 'Data Send': 'The connection with the server was reset
', code: '12031'


As the connectivity to the BI Publisher Server had previously been tested and confirmed as working correctly it was recommended to add some additional code to ensure that the last connection had been cleaned up correctly.
The following actions were performed :
1. In Siebel Tools modify the vanilla 'EAI HTTP Transport' business service.
2. Right click on the name of the business service and select 'Edit Server Scripts'.
3. Copy paste the following script in the 'PreInvokeMethod' event:
function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
  if (MethodName == "SendReceive" || MethodName == "Send")
  return (ContinueOperation);

4. Compile the modified business service and deploy the SRF to your application server. If you have multiple Siebel Application servers then deploy the SRF to all the servers.

5. Test running the BIP reports.
The piece of code provided initiates a connection closure BEFORE calling the 'SendReceive' method and in this way it ensures that there are no stale or dead connections. The code has been written in the 'PreInvokeMethod' method which therefore gets executed before the actual 'SendReceive method is called.
1. Create a new 'System Preference' by navigating to Site Map > Administration Application > System Preferences view
System Preference NameSystem Preference Value
BIPServer  http://[BIPServerHostname:9704]/xmlpserver/services/PublicReportService_v11

2. Create a new field in the following Business Component:
Business Component Name Personalization Profile
Field Name BIP Server
Calc Flg Y
Calc Value SystemPreference("BIPServer")
 3. Add the code in EAI HTTP Transport business service:
function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
if((MethodName == "SendReceive" || MethodName == "Send" ) && (Inputs.GetProperty("HTTPRequestURLTemplate") ==TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("BIP Server")))

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