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SBL-EAI-04400: Integration object type not specified.

Applies to: Siebel System Software - Version: 7.7.1 [18306] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1371935582.
SymptomsCustomer is using a Perl COM script to invoke the EAI Siebel Adapter, Query method. Following error is reported :-
C:\dev\siebel>perl -w
Logged in to Destination Siebel
host="siebel://dptdevxx01:2322/ent_emt1/PSCcObjMgr_enu" as SADMIN
ERROR: InvokeMethod('Query')
4096 - Integration object type not specified.(SBL-EAI-04400)

A custom Business Service within Siebel with the same code is invoked fine.
CausePer the following Bookshelf reference, use of COM via Perl is not supported :-
Siebel Object Interfaces Reference > Programming > About Siebel Object Interfaces > Siebel COM Interfaces
"The supported languages for accessing Siebel COM interfaces are JavaScript, Visual Basic, and C++. The Perl language is not supported with Siebel COM interfaces."
SolutionThe customer re-wrote his application using javascript COM, and this worked ok.
Documentation enhancement request Bug 10478447 was logged, and this is now included in the Bookshelf reference above.

Applies to: Siebel System Software - Version: 7.7.2 SIA [18325] and later [Release: V7 and later ]
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.2 [18325] Com/Med
SymptomsWhen using Application Deployment Manager (ADM) to migrate state models, numerous errors are displayed. The problems seems to be more with NEW state models that do not exist in the target system.

The following error message occurs when using files or http online migration:
Required field is missing in instance of Integration Component 'State Model - Transition' with the user key '[From State Name] = "Raised" AND [To State Name] = "Cancelled"': 'Rule Operator' is a required field. Please enter a value for the field.

EAI Logs:
Cannot find entry 'Automation Failed' in the bounded picklist for the field 'State Name' in integration component 'State Model_State Model - State'(SBL-EAI-04401)

I know the first error message can be resolved by implementing 38-1427981691. For the second error message however it seems that when you import a state model it doesn't want to create the new States?

Can you confirm if you experience the same behaviour and provide a workaround to allow brand new state models to be imported completely.
CauseResearch determined the Description field was modified in the source. The Description field was different in the target.

Customer had created a new State Model in the source environment.
Customer had created a new State Model and had also populated the values for the States and Transitions.
After populating the values for State Name customer had modified the values for the Description field in the State Model - State List Applet.
After further research it was found that the error was due to the modification done to the Description field in the source system.

Since the Description field value in the target system is different from the Description field in the source, the following error message is displayed:

Cannot find entry 'Automation Failed' in the bounded picklist for the field 'State Name' in integration component 'State Model_State Model - State'(SBL-EAI-04401)

1. Change the Description value in the source to the value in the target environment.
2. Do not modify the value of the Description field after populating the State Name.

Result: State Model loads successfully into the target environment.

Applies to: Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157] Com/Med
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1423919511.
SymptomsSBL-OSD-00204, SBL-SRB-00061, SBL-GEN-09103, SBL-EAI-04400
We have been experiencing intermittent object manager crashes on our Pilot system - where we are progressing live cutomer orders. The system crashes a number of times a day - 3 times yesterday. We initially thought this was occuring when users were exiting the product configurator by clicking 'Done' button but it has started seemingly happening in a random pattern. This is seriously hampering our ability to progress live customer orders as well as affecting end-user confidence in the system.

We have been following Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 30 to troubleshoot object manager crashes on Unix. We are attaching here a number of zip files which hold info for 5 separate instances of a crash. They include the Siebel log files as well as the output of pstack and pmap on the core dump file. Due to the size of the core files, we will not attach them directly to the SR but will either burn a CD and courier out or FTP to Siebel FTP site.

We are also attaching the *'fdr files from the SIEBEL_ROOT/siebsrvr/bin directory as well as the output from running the EVT tool on our app server.
SolutionMessage 1For the benefit of other users, the customerĂ¢€™s eCommunications Object Manager was crashing with the following message reported in the pstack-core.siebmtshmw.txt file:

7e09f2a4 _lwp_kill (6, 0, 0, ffffffff, 7e0c03c4, c0015ef8) + 8
7e035984 abort (7e0bc008, 7e5a46e4, 7e592f24, 0, 0, 7dc91c8c) + 100
7e4bd700 __1cQSehInvokeTryList6FpnQSEH_THREAD_BLOCK__v_ (7e5958c8, 7e592f24, ffffffff, 0, 0, 54ea6b8) + 1ec
7e4bd4e8 __1cUSehScanInvokeTryList6FpnQSEH_THREAD_BLOCK__i_ (54ea6b8, 7e4be148, c0000005, 0, 2, 6ec7a2e0) + 1ac
7e4be154 __1cOSignal_HandlerFraise6FIpviipL_i_ (0, 54ea6b8, 0, 2, 6ec7a2e0, 2) + e0
7e4be33c __1cPRaise_Exception2f6MipnHsiginfo_pv_v_ (9f748, b, 6ec7a7c8, 6ec7a510, 7e592f24, 6ec7a7c8) + d0
7ee71090 _SigBusSegvIotHandler (b, 6ec7a7c8, 6ec7a510, 7ee86eb8, 7ee8bd48, 7) + 100
7de94ee8 __sighndlr (b, 6ec7a7c8, 6ec7a510, 7ee70f90, 0, 0) + c
7de8eb80 call_user_handler (7dc91c00, 16, 7dea77a0, 6ec7a510, 6ec7a7c8, b) + 254
7de8ed4c sigacthandler (7dc91c00, 6ec7a7c8, 6ec7a510, 7dea6000, 6ec7a7c8, b) + 64


The crashes the customer experienced with the above pstack were approximately 1.8 GIG in size which is the process size limit on Solaris. The size of the crash file indicated a memory leak.

Further research found that the DSMaxFetchArraySize was set to -1. The customer was referred to Alert 951: Setting the parameter DSMaxFetchArraySize to -1 on SupportWeb.

<Continued ...>
Message 2<Continued ...>

Siebel Expert Services conducted an Architectural Review and a Production Readiness Review and made recommendations for tuning the eCommunications Object Manager.

Siebel Technical Support generated a report against the customerĂ¢€™s repository and identified several scripts that were not correctly destroying objects. Failing to destroy objects in eScript is the most common cause of memory leaks. Siebel best practices recommend releasing memory back to the application when a script completes.

After changing the DSMaxFetchArraySize parameter, implementing Siebel Expert Services recommendations and revising the custom eScripts, the eCommunications Object Manager no longer crashed

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