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SBL-CFG-00114: Error occurred during import/export operation.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1095522285.




In the view

Complex Product Versions View

when exporting a product (single product) to text file, then changing the product name in the text file and then re-importing the file, got the following error message:

We detected an Error which may have occurred for one or more of the following reasons:

<p></p><p></p>Error Occurred during Import/Export Operation - ImportProduct<p></p> Data will be skipped - Input Property Set; Product; Data cannot be imported; Err[1] Method 'Execute' of business component 'PickList Generic' (integration component '') returned the following error: "No field matches identifier 'Parent'. Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration.(SBL-DAT-00416)"(SBL-EAI-04376)(SBL-ISS-00120)<p></p>(SBL-ISS-00120)

This occurs on other products as well.


Message 1

For the benefit of other users,

We could reproduce the behavior with Siebel 7.5.3 SIA. This is a known issue (CR #12-DDW323) and is addressed by changing the configuration in Siebel Tools:

1. Go to Siebel Tools, in the Object Explorer select Business Component and query for "Complex Object EI"

2. Click on the Field of Business Component and query for "Price Type"

3. Change following property of the field:
- set PickList from "Pricing Type PickList" to "PickList Price Type"
- set Predefault as Expr: "LookupValue(""UNIT_OF_MEASURE"",""One-Time"")"
- set "Force Active" as TRUE
- set "Immediate Post Changes" as TRUE
- set "Required" as TRUE

4. Compile the locked project in Tools and test the behavior again.

After applying the changes customer got a new error:

<p></p><p></p>Error Occurred during Import/Export Operation - ImportProduct<p></p> Data will be skipped - Input Property Set; Product; Data cannot be imported; Err[1] Cannot find entry 'WorldCom' in the bounded picklist for the field 'Vendor Name' in integration component 'Complex Object EI'(SBL-EAI-04401)(SBL-ISS-00120)<p></p>(SBL-ISS-00120)

Unfortunately this is another configuration issue (CR #12-GKE97K). The import operation gets failed on field 'Vendor', which refer to Buscomp (BC) 'Com Organization', however during import the integration BC 'Complex Object EI' has 'Vendor Name' which refer to bounded picklist 'CO Vendor PickList' set on 'Account'.

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Message 2

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These two inconsistencies cause the error. Please do following changes in Siebel Tools:

1. Picklist: CO Vendor PickList, Change property BC to: Com Organization
(Please note: If you run into a follow-up issue with this change, please make a copy of this picklist and use the copy)

2. BC: Com Organization
property Search spec:

---> old
([Account Flag] LIKE IIf (GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName") = "Siebel Power Communications" OR GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName") = "Siebel eChannel for CME", "N", "%")) AND [Internal Org Flag] = "N"

--> new
([Account Flag] = IIf (GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName") = "Siebel Power Communications" OR GetProfileAttr("ApplicationName") = "Siebel eChannel for CME", "N", [Account Flag])) AND [Internal Org Flag] = "N"

When the If expression returns false, all records should be returned. LIKE operator is wrong since Account Flag is of type bool.

3. Recompile a new srf and test the changes.

We were able to import a product with Vendors. Additionally we can see the created vendors in the picklist of the Product, Vendor field. Please note, you will need to prepopulate the vendor information for the product that you are importing. The vendors can be created by going to Data Admin->Account Org. Create the necessary records there, and uncheck the account flag.

Siebel Technical Support
Keywords: vendor, xml, import, CO Vendor PickList, Complex Object EI, import, product, ImportProduct, Complex Product Versions View

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