Siebel Finance - Version 8.1.1. and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
*** Checked for currency on 25 June, 2015 ***
When attempting to Save Query as PDQ, the following error occurs:
1. Login to the Siebel Callcenter application (Open UI)
2. Navigate to Account List Applet.
3. Click on Query Button : the Applet will change to query mode.
4. Click on Query Assistant Button.
5. Enter the criteria. example: Name starting with "Ac".
6. Click on Save Query button: You will be prompted for a Query Name.
7. Select one of the query Names listed and click Ok.
1. Login to the Siebel Callcenter application (Open UI)
2. Navigate to Account List Applet.
3. Click on Query Button : the Applet will change to query mode.
4. Click on Query Assistant Button.
5. Enter the criteria. example: Name starting with "Ac".
6. Click on Save Query button: You will be prompted for a Query Name.
7. Select one of the query Names listed and click Ok.
Result: Error SBL-UIF-00313 displays.
Bug 17589620 was logged to address this issue, however it was closed by the Product Engineering as "Not a Bug".
Issue can be resolved following the workaround below or by installing QF0001113.
1. Open IE
2. Select Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click on "Browsing History" > settings.
3. Enable "Every time I visit the webpage" under ""check for newer version of stored webpage".
4. Log into Siebel and retest the issue.
The issue is resolved by installing QF0001113:
Patch ID is 17585287 for
Patch ID is 17585289 for
1. Open IE
2. Select Tools > Internet Options.
2. Click on "Browsing History" > settings.
3. Enable "Every time I visit the webpage" under ""check for newer version of stored webpage".
4. Log into Siebel and retest the issue.
The issue is resolved by installing QF0001113:
Patch ID is 17585287 for
Patch ID is 17585289 for
Siebel CRM - Version 8.0 [20405] and laterz*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
"Checked for Relevance on 10-01-2015"
It was reported that certain odd navigation can cause SBL-UIF-00313 error.
The steps to reproduce this issue are:
1. Log in to the Siebel High Interactivity (HI) client
2. Navigate to a list applet, such as Contacts -> Contact List
3. Right-click on the applet and select Columns Displayed
4. Click the Cancel button to cancel Columns Displayed
5. Access any pop up applet, such as the Account MVG.
6. Perform a browser back navigation while the pop up applet is in focus.
(For IE 6, this can be done with browser shortcut of the Backspace button on the keyboard)
(For IE 7 and higher this can be done with right-click on the pop up applet and then select "Back")
7. The Columns Displayed pop up is shown again, but it contains the following error message:
The following error is displayed:

The full error text is listed below:
The steps to reproduce this issue are:
1. Log in to the Siebel High Interactivity (HI) client
2. Navigate to a list applet, such as Contacts -> Contact List
3. Right-click on the applet and select Columns Displayed
4. Click the Cancel button to cancel Columns Displayed
5. Access any pop up applet, such as the Account MVG.
6. Perform a browser back navigation while the pop up applet is in focus.
(For IE 6, this can be done with browser shortcut of the Backspace button on the keyboard)
(For IE 7 and higher this can be done with right-click on the pop up applet and then select "Back")
7. The Columns Displayed pop up is shown again, but it contains the following error message:
The following error is displayed:
The full error text is listed below:
We detected an Error which may have occurred for one or more of the following reasons:
An error happened during restoring the context for requested location (SBL-UIF-00313)
An error happened during restoring the context for requested location (SBL-UIF-00313)
This issue was reproduced by Oracle Support and reported as a product defect via bug 10511417 ( bug 10511417 ).
As of the publishing of this document, no fix is available for this issue.
This issue is caused by odd navigation, which can be addressed as end user training. Browser back should not be utilized when a pop up applet has been opened. The pop up should be properly closed instead.
When this error occurs there is no data lost and the user is able to continue using the application.
Siebel Loyalty Engine - Version [21233] to [23012] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
An error happened during restoring the context for requested location (SBL-UIF_00313)
Information in this document applies to any platform.
An error happened during restoring the context for requested location (SBL-UIF_00313)
Versions where the issue occurs:
On : SIA,,,, and
Version where this issue was not faced:
The Error SBL-UIF-00313 might occur when:
- Attempting to Fill Type with Redemption, Sub-Type with Product, then click on the Product picklist to choose a value the following error occurs.
- When Changing a LOY transaction Status from "In Progress" to "Submitted" .
- When a popup applet is displayed in some List Applets inside Loyalty or any other Siebel Industry Application.
The issue can be reproduced when using any of the following steps:
Scenario A
1. Go to Loyalty Member screen
2. Go to Transactions tab
3. Create a New record
4. Fill Type with Redemption, Sub-Type with Product, then click on the Product picklist to choose a value >> The error popped up.
Scenario B
1. Navigate to the vie Loyalty members > Transactions;
2. Create a transaction;
3. Select a employee in the field "Submit To";
4. Change the Status from "In Progress" to "Submitted";
5. A pickapplet is showed, click "Send" button;
6. The application sends an error and don't allow to change the status of the transaction.
On : SIA,,,, and
Version where this issue was not faced:
The Error SBL-UIF-00313 might occur when:
- Attempting to Fill Type with Redemption, Sub-Type with Product, then click on the Product picklist to choose a value the following error occurs.
- When Changing a LOY transaction Status from "In Progress" to "Submitted" .
- When a popup applet is displayed in some List Applets inside Loyalty or any other Siebel Industry Application.
The issue can be reproduced when using any of the following steps:
Scenario A
1. Go to Loyalty Member screen
2. Go to Transactions tab
3. Create a New record
4. Fill Type with Redemption, Sub-Type with Product, then click on the Product picklist to choose a value >> The error popped up.
Scenario B
1. Navigate to the vie Loyalty members > Transactions;
2. Create a transaction;
3. Select a employee in the field "Submit To";
4. Change the Status from "In Progress" to "Submitted";
5. A pickapplet is showed, click "Send" button;
6. The application sends an error and don't allow to change the status of the transaction.
Available Solutions: QF09AO Quick Fix Fix Pack
Based on Base Bug 11678524 issue is no longer observed in 8.'.'.'0 and
Available Workaround:
Considering that error SBL-UIF-00313 ONLY happens when a field change or a popup is triggered from *List* applet, a possible workaround is to educate the end users to change the field from a Form applet instead and/or remove the column/field that need to be changed from list applet, as short term relief of the problem.
Siebel Tools - Version[21219] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
""Checked for relevance on 02-SEP-2013""
Information in this document applies to any platform.
""Checked for relevance on 02-SEP-2013""
Siebel Version:
Statement Of Issue: Error thrown when trying to select a record from Popup Applet in Clinical Protocol Site Payment Exceptions List Applet.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Click on Centre Management screen.
2. Go to Clinical Protocol Site Payment Exceptions Detail View.
3. Click on Copy FNB button on Clinical Protocol Site Payment Exceptions List Applet
4. In the Popup Applet, try to change the current record.
Error Thrown:
SBL-UIF-00313 An error happened during restoring the context for the requested location occurring when selecting a record in Popup Applet
SBL-UIF-00269: Cannot locate record within view: Clinical Protocol Site Payment Exceptions View applet: Clinical Protocol Site Payment Exceptions List Applet. - when trying to close the popup applet.
Business Impact:
Copying FNB is a very important functionality for business users. As they copy the final negotiated budgets to few other centres.
The issue is caused due to wrong configuration of Popup Applet.
The popup applets are configured for Detailed records in Master detail view. For example, Account Contact view, Popup applet can have records for the contacts for given account.
Customer is trying to configure a popup applet for Master record. It is not feasible to configure in that way.
In customer environment, the parent BC is Clinical Protocol Site and the pop up applet invoked on child applet is based on Parent BC which is not accepted.
Make a copy of parent BC and use this BC for Popup Applet.
1. Copy the parent BC: Clinical Protocol Site and name it as ETR Select Centres.BC
2. Use ETR Select Centres.BC as the BC for ETR Select Centres Applet.
3. Add ETR Select Centres.BC to the Clinical Protocol Site Business Object with no link.
4. Compile all the changes and retest the issue
1. Copy the parent BC: Clinical Protocol Site and name it as ETR Select Centres.BC
2. Use ETR Select Centres.BC as the BC for ETR Select Centres Applet.
3. Add ETR Select Centres.BC to the Clinical Protocol Site Business Object with no link.
4. Compile all the changes and retest the issue
Siebel CRM - Version [23021] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Information in this document applies to any platform.
In currency code frequently ( not all the time) user get the error which cant be closed, user need to close the pick applet and reopen it again
"ObjMgrLog Error 1 00000002530709bc:0 2014-02-21 13:56:18 (cmdprcsr.cpp (1929)) SBL-UIF-00313: An error happened during restoring the context for requested location."
In currency code frequently user get the error which cant be closed. Also noticed that when this error is issued, users are not able to get back into the Currecny popup without first closing the Revenue Popup.
They should not face any error currency.
Application & Version: Open UI
System Name
The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:
1) Log into Open UI, and navigate to Opportunity -> Product.
2) Click on the icon in the Revenue Field
3) In the Revenue Popup, then click on the Currency Icon to bring up the Currency Popup.
4) Enter a Currency code in the "Starting With" query field, and then hit go.
5) The currency is found, and the Currency Popup Closed, and focus returned to the Revenue Popup.
6) At this point, the log has the SBL-UIF-00313 error, and if you attempt to click on the icon in the Currency field to bring back up the Currency Popup, it does nothing. You have to close the Revenue Popup and then re-open the Revenue popup to get the Currency icon to work again.
User experience is impacting
In currency code frequently ( not all the time) user get the error which cant be closed, user need to close the pick applet and reopen it again
"ObjMgrLog Error 1 00000002530709bc:0 2014-02-21 13:56:18 (cmdprcsr.cpp (1929)) SBL-UIF-00313: An error happened during restoring the context for requested location."
In currency code frequently user get the error which cant be closed. Also noticed that when this error is issued, users are not able to get back into the Currecny popup without first closing the Revenue Popup.
They should not face any error currency.
Application & Version: Open UI
System Name
The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:
1) Log into Open UI, and navigate to Opportunity -> Product.
2) Click on the icon in the Revenue Field
3) In the Revenue Popup, then click on the Currency Icon to bring up the Currency Popup.
4) Enter a Currency code in the "Starting With" query field, and then hit go.
5) The currency is found, and the Currency Popup Closed, and focus returned to the Revenue Popup.
6) At this point, the log has the SBL-UIF-00313 error, and if you attempt to click on the icon in the Currency field to bring back up the Currency Popup, it does nothing. You have to close the Revenue Popup and then re-open the Revenue popup to get the Currency icon to work again.
User experience is impacting
This is product defect. So logged the defect 18303283
Issue reproducible with following steps:
The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:
1) Log into Open UI with QF 2008 and navigate to Opportunity List Applet
2) Click on the icon in the Revenue Field
3) In the Revenue Popup, then click on the Currency Icon to bring up the Currency Popup.
4) Enter a Currency code in the "Starting With" query field, and then hit go.
5) The currency is found, and focus returned to focus returned to the Revenue Popup.
Issue reproducible with following steps:
The issue can be reproduced with the following steps:
1) Log into Open UI with QF 2008 and navigate to Opportunity List Applet
2) Click on the icon in the Revenue Field
3) In the Revenue Popup, then click on the Currency Icon to bring up the Currency Popup.
4) Enter a Currency code in the "Starting With" query field, and then hit go.
5) The currency is found, and focus returned to focus returned to the Revenue Popup.
Kindly apply QF 2008 on top of your Open UI env and let me know your results.
Patch Details:
This issue has been resolved in the following Quick Fixes that can be downloaded from My Oracle Support > Patches and Updates.
Fixed In:[23021] - Branch QF[0102008]
Platforms: Windows + Linux + Solaris + AIX + HPUX
Languages: All Supported Languages
Patch ID: 18117582
Fixed In:[23021] - Branch QF[0102008]
Platforms: Windows + Linux + Solaris + AIX + HPUX
Languages: All Supported Languages
Patch ID: 18117583
Patch Details:
This issue has been resolved in the following Quick Fixes that can be downloaded from My Oracle Support > Patches and Updates.
Fixed In:[23021] - Branch QF[0102008]
Platforms: Windows + Linux + Solaris + AIX + HPUX
Languages: All Supported Languages
Patch ID: 18117582
Fixed In:[23021] - Branch QF[0102008]
Platforms: Windows + Linux + Solaris + AIX + HPUX
Languages: All Supported Languages
Patch ID: 18117583
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