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SBL-SEC-00002: An error occurred loading the security adapter library;

Applies to:

Siebel Sales - Version [16183] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
*** Checked for Relevancy 27-Feb-2013 ***


When starting an application object manager (AOM) that uses the Siebel standard LDAP Security Adapter (LDAPSecAdpt), the process fails with the following error in the log file:
SBL-SEC-00002: An error occurred loading the security adapter library. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.
This is applicable for Siebel versions 7.3.5 and higher.


This error pattern is typically the result of the required IBM LDAP client software not being installed on the Siebel server(s).  The Siebel standard LDAP Security Adapter (LDAPSecAdpt) relies on code libraries provided by the IBM software.  This is true regardless of what external LDAP directory the adapter will be connecting to.
This requirement is documented in the Security Guide's section on External Security Adapter Authentication.


To resolve this behavior, please install the appropriate version of the IBM LDAP Client software:
  • Siebel 7.5, 7.7, and 7.8 requires the IBM 5.1 LDAP Client.
  • Siebel 8 requires the IBM 6.0 LDAP Client.
The software is provided free of charge in the Server Ancillary Programs folder of the Siebel installation media.  It will also be created if the appropriate option is checked when extracting an installation image from
Instructions for installing and configuring the IBM software can be found in the Security Guide on the appropriate Siebel Bookshelf.

Applies to:

Siebel System Software - Version: 7.8.2 [19213] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Professional)
Version: 7.8.2 [19213]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 9
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3009105001.


SBL-SEC-00002, SBL-SEC-00001We have set up a vanilla 7.8 environment in which to test our custom security adapter originally built for Siebel 7.5. We have built and deployed the library (DLL), but continue to receive "SBL-SEC-00002: An error occurred loading the security adapter library" in both the OM and SWSE logs. We need assistance troubleshooting this error.


Change request 12-1E3A060


Message 1

The customer had compiled a custom security adapter using the security adapter SDK found in Technical Note 415: “Siebel Security Adapter Software Developers Kit for Siebel Versions 7.5, 7.7 and 7.8”. This custom security adapter was working as expected in Siebel version 7.5 on the Solaris platform.   The customer is upgrading to Siebel version 7.8 on the Solaris platform.

Beginning in Siebel version 7.7, the security adapter enterprise profile was introduced to move the security adapter parameters into the named subsystem in the Gateway server instead of the Object Manager config(.cfg) file.

To troubleshoot this behavior, security adapter logging was enabled following the information in FAQ 2168. Since the actual code in a custom security adapter is beyond the scope of Siebel technical support and requires assistance from other resources like Siebel Expert or Professional Services, the troubleshooting approach was simplified by compiling the sample security adapter that is contained in the security adapter SDK. This sample security adapter has very little infrastructure dependencies and does not require entities such as a LDAP directory in order to function.  

Message 2

The sample security adapter successfully loaded in Siebel version 7.5 with the Object Manager .cfg file security adapter configuration. The was then moved to the Siebel version 7.8 siebsrvr/lib directory and the following setup was configured:

OM component parameters
Security Adapter Name : SampleSec
Security Adapter Mode: CUSTOM

New SampleSec(alias) Enterprise Profile(subsystem type: InfraSecAdpt_Custom)
CustomSecAdpt_CRC = <checksum value>           
CustomSecAdpt_SecAdptDllName =    secsamp
ConfigFileName =                 /vol1/public2/siebsrvr/bin/enu/sample.cfg
ConfigSectionName =               Sample

sample.cfg(located in siebsrvr/bin/enu/) :
dbUsername = sadmin
dbPassword = sadmin

Message 3

The following error occurred:

n++1021 2006-05-01 09:58:09 2006-05-01 09:58:10 -0600 00000011 001 003f 0001 09 SSEObjMgr_enu 4143 5047 13 /vol1/public2/siebsrvr/
enterprises/public2/pubapp01/log/SSEObjMgr_enu_4143.log 7.8.2 [19213] ENU
GenericLog      GenericError    1       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     (secmgr.cpp (1587) err=7000002 sys=0) SBL-SEC-00002: An error occurred loading the security adapter library. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     SecAdptName = SampleSec
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     SecAdptMode = 3
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     SecAdptDllName = secsamp
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     PropagteChange = FALSE
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     computed checksum of security adapter library = ''
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     HashUserPwd = FALSE
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     HashDBPwd = FALSE
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     HashAlgorithm = RSASHA1
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     bMFCShell = TRUE
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     dbusername = sadmin

Message 4

SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     singlesignon = FALSE
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     dbpassword = sadmin
SecMgrLog       Debug   5       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     useadapterusername = FALSE
GenericLog      GenericError    1       0       2006-05-01 09:58:09     (secmgr.cpp (2278) err=7000002 sys=0) SBL-SEC-00002: An e
ror occurred loading the security adapter library. Please contact your system administrator for assistance.

The above indicated that parameters for the security adapter was loading but the adapter itself failed to load.

This behavior was resolved by changing the settings:
CustomSecAdpt_CRC = 0          
CustomSecAdpt_SecAdptDllName =    /vol1/public2/siebsrvr/lib/
ConfigFileName =                 /vol1/public2/siebsrvr/bin/enu/sample.cfg

Various combinations of the above parameters were attempted and it was found that CustomSecAdpt_CRC = 0 (disabled) and CustomSecAdpt_SecAdptDllName needed to be set to the full path of the security adapter including the .so extension.


Message 5

Change request 12-1E3A060 “ security adapter) does not load in 7.8 but works in 7.5” was entered as a product defect as all the features of the custom profile were not available on the Solaris platform  

Change request 12-1E6ZJ83 “More logging information for SBL-SEC-00002 error when loading a security adapter” was entered as a product enhancement for detail on why the security adapter itself does not load(examples: permissions, .dlopen() call etc..)

Applies to:

Siebel Finance Sales - Version SIA [16279] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
*** Checked for relevancy 21-Feb-2013 ***


Will a custom security adapter developed for Siebel 7.5 and using the interface defined in Note 476962.1 work unchanged with version 8?


Since the software developer kit (SDK) discussed in Note 476962.1 creates custom software, Oracle cannot provide you with a definitive answer to this question.  As stated in Note 476962.1, neither the use of the SDK or adapters created with it are supported by Oracle Global Customer Support.  Furthermore, Oracle cannot guarantee compatibility with future releases of the product. That being said, we can provide some general observations that may be of use to you.

First of all, the SDK itself has not changed between 7.5 and the current 8.0.0.x releases. So at the very least the basic code libraries should be compatible.

There have been, however, significant changes in how the Siebel application interacts with security adapters between 7.5, 7.7/7.8, and 8.x. The changes that are the most probable to have potential impacts are the ones that happened between 7.5 and 7.7. This is the point at which security adapter parameters were moved out of the individual application configuration files (for example siebel.cfg, uagent.cfg, etc.) and into named enterprise profiles within the Siebel Enterprise Backing Store (LDAPSecAdpt, ADSISecAdptADSISecAdpt, etc.). The second major change is that Windows Integrated Authentication (WIA) based web single sign-on (SSO) became a standard feature in 7.7 no longer requiring the use of a custom security adapter as described in Note 477108.1. Finally, Siebel 7.7 no longer supported Siebel password hashing and required the use of SHA-1 hashing.

Between 7.7/7.8 and 8.0, there was the introduction of a more robust LDAPSecAdpt that was capable of communicating with Active Directory servers on all supported platforms. This was due to the change from underlying IBM 5.0 LDAP Client libraries to the IBM 6.0 LDAP Client libraries. Obviously if your customer adapter utilizes the shipped LDAP security adapter functionality and libraries, it will probably require updating to work with Siebel 8.0.

Oracle Support's experience with these types of issues has been that most of the custom security adapters work after some relatively minor tweaking of the configuration (as opposed to the code).  In some cases, however, the specific functionality being invoked by the custom adapter were not compatible and the alternative solutions had to be found or designed. The only way you will know for sure is to thoroughly test your custom security adapter in a development Siebel 8 environment prior to rolling it out to production.

There are a variety of Metalink notes available on custom security adapters and the SDK. You may find the following to be particularly useful: 478022.1, 484645.1, 497314.1, and 529726.1.

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