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SBL-EAI-09003: Cannot create integration object for weakly typed schema (containing '%1')

Applies to: Error Message Area:Application Integration Infrastructure, Enterprise Application Interfaces - EAI
Version:Siebel 8.1
PurposeThis document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-EAI-09003: Cannot create integration object for weakly-typed schema (containing '%1').
ScopeThis document is informational and intended for any user.
SBL-EAI-09003: Cannot create integration object for weakly-typed schema (containing '%1').ExplanationYou can only create integration objects for strongly-typed schemas. Definitions that contain ""any"", ""anyAttribute"", and/or ""anyType"" are weakly typed and cannot be imported as integration objects.
Corrective ActionMake sure the schema is strongly-typed.

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