Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Professional)Version: 7.8.2 [19213]
Database: Oracle 9i
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2976081358.
SBL-CFG-00163This is a follow-up SR of #38-2902810351 where the customer is experiancing the
They are on V7.8.2 and were trying load attr_id on S_ASSET_XA table. However,
as per CR #10480570, ATTR_ID is not a required column and hence the customer was suggested to
leave this column as null. However, the customer claims that whey try to modify an asset having
attributes through Product Configurator and if there is no value in column ATTR_ID, they are
getting the following error
"The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid
sub-items are attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product
definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed?
Message 1
For the benefit of all users:Summary:
Customer imported assets with EIM because they came from a legacy system.
Trying to load attr_id on S_ASSET_XA table per EIM was not possible. However, as per CR #10480570, ATTR_ID is not a required column and hence the customer was suggested to leave this column as null.
When trying to modify an asset having attributes through Product Configurator and if there is no value in column ATTR_ID, eConfigurator changes the attribute values of the asset. If you have rules then this could lead to a conflict and error message:
"The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items are attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed? (SBL-CFG-00163)"
Change Request CR 10508706 has been logged so that configurator works correctly in case S_ASSET_XA.ATTR_ID is null.
With kind Regards,
Siebel Technical Support
Keywords: EIM, Asset, attribute, S_ASSET_XA, ATTR_ID
Applies to:
Siebel eConfigurator - Version: SIA [18368] to[21219] - Release: V7 to V8HP-UX Itanium
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18368] CHS Com/Med
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: HP-UX 11.0
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11.0
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2952503327.
***Checked for relevance on 15-10-2010***
Customer has a 3-tier product hierarchy, which involves 3 product (Root product P1, child product P2, and grnadchild product P3), while all the migrated assets are in 2-tier structure. On these assetsP3 was placed on the second tier.
Each time when the eConfigurator was activated, a delete action will be applied on the P3 asset.
When customizing the migrated assets, a warning dialog appears before it goes into customization screen. The message is like "pp product -.... ; pp relationship - ...; pp deleted".
How can this be solved?
When clicking on Customize for one of the affected assets the following errors would come up ("..." stands for Chinese characters):
1. Error view:
pp ... - LAN pp...: ... = ;
pp...: ... = 1
pp...: ... = 1
pp... pp...: ... = 1
pp... pp...: ... = 1
2. Product Configurator UI with annotations:
... - "LAN" Root Asset's Product Name
... *... Relationship "P2 Asset's Product Name"
... - "..." Product - "P3 Asset's Product Name"
...: ... =; Relationship: Identity = ;
...: ... "..." ... = 1 Deleted: Belong Object "P3 Asset's Product Name" number = 1
..., ... The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items or attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition.
...? (SBL-CFG-00163) Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed? (SBL-CFG-00163)
The customer already updated each asset's PAR_ASSET_ID with the new, correct parent asset's ROW_ID through a custom built VB program. However to eliminate this error the following steps must be taken:
(1) A call to AutoMatch should be built into the relevant workflow processes and this should populate the ASSEMBLY_PORT_ID and PORT_VALID_PROD_ID as required.
For more information about the AutoMatch method please refer to:
Siebel Order Management Guide Addendum for Industry Applications > Business Service Methods Reference > Complex Product AutoMatch Business Service Method
Note: This call is built out of the box into the standard workflow processes in Siebel v7.7 and higher like SIS OM Edit Complex Asset Workflow, SIS OM Edit Delta Quote Line Item or SIS OM Edit Service Order Line Item
(2) Suggestion under 1) works properly only on product hierarchies with 2 levels. It fails for product hierarchies with 3 levels. The following change request has been created to address this in a future version of the Siebel application:
12-CQQG3Q: CP runtime: Auto Match does not work when the customizable product contains nested CPs. This is addressed in Siebel version and higher. The workaround is fill following columns for all assets except the root assets:
--- > The customer still needed to populate the ASSEMBLY_PORT_ID column (i.e. field 'Product Port Id') and the S_PORT_VALID_PROD_ID column (i.e. field 'Prod Item Id') in each child asset.
Note: AutoMatch functionality also works if you fill the 'ASSEMBLY_PORT_ID' and 'PORT_VALID_PROD_ID' with a dummy value, e.g. with the string 'Dummy'. Change Request 12-CQQG3Q only applies to assets where the 'ASSEMBLY_PORT_ID' and 'PORT_VALID_PROD_ID' are null.
Note: Following two conditions must also be fulfilled for the AutoMatch and Customize functions to work properly:
(4) AutoMatch may fail if there is a visibility mismatch between the business component used in the user interface and the business component used in the SIS OM Edit * workflow process.
=> Make sure that an S_ASSET_POSTN record exists for the logged-in user who is calling the SIS OM Edit * workflow process.
(5) For a root asset, column CFG_TYPE_CD must have value = 'eConfigurator'.
=> If this is not the case, the way to fix this would be to create a Siebel VB script that will update the corresponding field ("Cfg Type") in all your root assets.
Note: Change Request 10453144 has been addressed in However it has not addressed the case when the data is loaded via EIM. In this situation the workarounds described still need to be applied. Enhancement request 10541653 has been raised for this to addressed in a future release.
Additional Keywords: Asset Based Ordering, ABO.
Applies to:
Siebel eConfigurator - Version: SIA [20423]Information in this document applies to any platform.
The translation of the following error message in Spanish can be improved:SBL-CFG-00163
The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items or attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed?
El detalle de la oferta econ�mica que est� intentando personalizar contiene algunos sub�tems o atributos no v�lidos o no cumple con la estructura del correspondiente producto complejo o de uno de los subproductos. Si selecciona la opci�n para deshacer todas las solicitudes err�neas, el motor del configurador eliminar� o corregir� todas las entradas no v�lidas
Change Request Enhancement 12-1YKOK5H has been raised to be improved in a future release. A suggested improved translation would be:"El detalle de la oferta econ�mica que est� intentando personalizar contiene algunos sub�tems o atributos no v�lidos o no cumple con la estructura del correspondiente producto complejo o de uno de los subproductos. Si selecciona la opci�n para aceptar los cambios, el motor del configurador eliminar� o corregir� todas las entradas no v�lidas"
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [19227] Engy/Oil
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11i
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3406630033.
SBL-CFG-00163On some occasions clicking the Verify command on an order results in the application crashing.
As you can see from the attached log the last error reported before a looping message (that keeps
growing the log until the server crashes) is the same as that referenced in eConfigurator
Uploaded '070703 DB'
When I verify the problem quote 4O-WPZ there is
no error in the log file.
When I verify the problem order 168-44232 the application hangs and
fills the event log file.
Message 1
For the benefit of other users,When customer clicked on Verify command on an order it resulted in an application hang. This can be reproduced with an order item, which is a promotion over a customized product (CP). CP and promotion have a constraint which contradict each other.
Looking into the log it shows an error on CreateSession:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2007-08-06 15:07:06 SBL-CFG-00163: The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items or attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed?
The system calls
- Business Service 'Configurator Session Service' invoke method 'GetDetailedReqExpl'
- Business Service 'Configurator Session Service' invoke method: 'RemoveFailedRequests'
After this function we run into the endless loop.
The error could be reproduced with a script running BatchValidate on version SIA:
1) CP has attributes defined and a rule which says:
When the attribute Price Type = Variable excludes the attribute Price Term < 100
2) Promotion has additional settings on the attributes
Price Type = Variable
Price Term = 12
---> this is an unresolvable conflict. Add the promotion to an order and customize the underlying CP. eConfigurator throws an error and you need to push Undo button and leave it. We created change request#12-1KNZ65Y. The problem looks like a wrong internal coding.
MORE ...
Message 2
CONT ...In we have a call to UnloadInstance after RemoveFailedRequest in the BatchValidate. This UnloadInstance however does not find an active instance and is called again and again, therefore the hang. This is new for
Sample code for BatchCalidate:
var head = "<order>";
var item = "<line item>"; // test for batchvalidate and promotion line item
var io = "7.7 Order Entry Integration Object";
var inp = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
var out = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
inp.SetProperty("IntegrationObjectName", io);
inp.SetProperty("SearchSpec","[Header.Id] = '"+head+"' AND [Line Item.Root Id] = '"+item+ "'");
var s = TheApplication().GetService("ISS Copy Service");
s = TheApplication().GetService("Complex Object Instance Service");
inp.SetProperty("IntObjName", io);
--> hang
MORE ...
Message 3
CONT ...Error in siebel.log =
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 0 2007-08-10 09:26:16 ***RaiseSignal*** Instance: , Signal: UnloadInstance, Mode: .
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 0 2007-08-10 09:26:16 Signal Business Service: Remote Complex Object Instance Service method: UnloadInstance
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 0 2007-08-10 09:26:16 (cxobjinstsvc.cpp (7278)) SBL-CFG-00156: Complex object instance is not loaded.
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 0 2007-08-10 09:26:16 ***RaiseSignal*** Instance: , Signal: UnloadInstance, Mode: .
GenericLog GenericInfo 3 0 2007-08-10 09:26:16 Signal Business Service: Remote Complex Object Instance Service method: UnloadInstance
ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 0 2007-08-10 09:26:16 (cxobjinstsvc.cpp (7278)) SBL-CFG-00156: Complex object instance is not loaded.
There is no workaround for this issue. An administrator can only avoid this error by testing promotions via test scenarios before releasing them for production.
Siebel Technical Support
Keywords: BatchValidate, Verify, hang, promotion, customizable product, constraint, rule, conflict, UnloadInstance
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (MidMarket)Version: [16066] MME
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2599777407.
SBL-CFG-00163We have configured our products as Customizable and each one has a dynamic relation defined
which links the current product to others (subproducts).
We use “Customize” button on
Assets to define the asset’s subassets this way.
In the production environment we have
inserted Assets with each one’s subassets using VB and Siebel Com interface (sstchca.dll) and we
observe the following serious behavior:
We see asset’s components (SubAssets) in the
Components Applet, we also see them correctly when we click Customize,
but when we click
Save or Done and save the Asset record the Subassets are deleted !
This behavior is not
observed for newly created assets.
What is different from the development environment
where we tested the migration process is that the products were manually inserted and
Then we exported fully the dev/env products and imported them in the
production environment using Import Product.
We have released new version of the products
but the problem still occurs.
We have checked columns PORT_VALID_PROD_ID and
ASSEMBLY_PORT_ID in subasset records and they contain the same values as the newly inserted
asset’s subassets.
How can we fix the problem in our data so that the process of
configuring imported assets behaves correctly, which means recognizing the already imported
subassets as part of the configuration of the product and prevent deleting them ?
attach the product current configuration
Message 1
I’d like to correct some information I’ve given you in y previous email.The problem of deleting subassets is observed for new assets also when we try to “Customize” them.
The only way to avoid it is to click customize for newly created assets, click Done, Save the asset record and click on customize again to proceed with Subasset definition.
I also attach some server log files that were created during clicking the “Customize” button, Saving the asset record and inserting a new one.
Message 2
For the benefit of other users:The log files showed the following significant difference:
In the log file where the error occurred:
1. The NewRecord and WriteRecord events take place in the Asset Mgmt - Asset Detail Applet.
2. In the INSERT INTO SIEBEL.S_ASSET a single column is missing: CFG_TYPE_CD.
In the log file for correct asset insertion and customization:
1. The NewRecord and WriteRecord events take place in the Asset Mgmt - Asset List Applet. In the call stacks there are additional calls to functions in CSSSWEFrameListQuoteItem - this is the specialized applet class for the list applet.
2. In the INSERT INTO SIEBEL.S_ASSET, column CFG_TYPE_CD is inserted with value = 'eConfigurator'.
Thus, from the user actions the only difference is that the asset was created in the form applet instead of the list applet.
The behaviour can be reproduced the behaviour in the Sample database:
When using the form applet to create a new asset, the asset's field Cfg Type is not filled. When trying to customize the asset afterwards, the following error message is displayed:
The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items or attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed?
... continued in next update
Message 3
continued from previous update ...In this case button "Proceed" is active, but button "Undo" is inactive.
However, the application's Back button will take the user back to the All Assets view and the asset is unchanged - the corresponding log file shows no DELETE.
Change Request 12-17ZNCBF has been created to request that this be fixed in a future version of the Siebel application.
In the mean time, assets for customizable products must be created in the Asset Mgmt - Asset List Applet only.
Kind regards from
Siebel Technical Support
Additional Keywords: configurable product, customizable product, complex asset, eConfigurator.
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [16168] SVE
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11.0
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1276158643.
Hi.I hope you can help me remove an error message when entering the selection pages from the order module.
I have defined a rule on a product: The attribute Fremføringsnummer = FremføringsnummerLink, where Fremføringsnummer is an attribute and FremføringsnummerLink is a linked item from order line.
This rule works fine for newly created line items, but if I reconfigure, so that the value of FremføringsnummerLink is changed, I get the following message:
"The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items or attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed?(SBL-CFG-00163)"
Linked Item : FremføringsnummerLink = 9999
Kopiere Fremf (the name of the rule)
(FremføringsnummerLink works fine and shows the correct value in the selection page)
After I click "Proceed" in the error window, I get to the normal selection page, and everything works fine.
How can I obtain the desired functionality without getting the error message in advance?
I have also tried these rules:(as suggested in Service Request #: 38-971800651):
- Fremføringsnummer has an initial value of FremføringsnummerLink (Result: same error message as explained above)
- When possible, constrain the attribute Fremføringsnummer = FremføringsnummerLink to be true with a priority of 0 (Result: No error message, but the value of the linked item is not copied into the attribute).
Regards Mari
Message 1
For the Benefit of Other Readers:Behavior:
1 Create a customizable product. Add an attribute, Fremforingsnummer; and Linked Item called FremforingsnummberLink based on the Comments field in the Quote Item Form applet; And the Set Preference Rule: :When possible, constrain the attribute Fremforingsnummer = FremforingsnummerLink to be true with a priority of 0.
2 Create a Sales Order and add the CP. In the Comments field in the Order Entry - Line Item Form Applet, key in some value say "XYZ". and hit the customize button.
3 In the selection page, both attribute Fremforingsnummer & Linked Item FremforingsnummberLink have a value of "XYZ". Hit the Done button
4. Change the value in the Comments field to "ABCD". Hit the customize button.
5. Attribute Fremforingsnummer still says "XYZ" (from step 2) It should be "ABCD" from Step 4. The Linked Item FremforingsnummberLink have a value of "ABCD" from step 4 which is correct.
In SIA, this does not happen! In step 5, the attribute Fremforingsnummer says "ABCD" which is correct.
The above behavior was determined to be a product defect and Change Request 12-L7F8M7 has been submitted to address it.
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