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SBL-DAT-00902: The instance with id as %1 and bc id as %2 is supposed to represent a M-M child record, but the link name is empty.

Applies to:

Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)
Version: 8.0 [20405] Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3460425031.


Hi Support,

Create a sample task. In the task Modify a existing Account > Account Team > Coverage Role and end the task.

You will end up in the follwowing error.
SBL-DAT-00902: The instance with id as 1-JI-85142 and bc id as 1-A9-9 is supposed to represent a M-M child record, but the link name is empty.

Appriciate your fast response ASAP.

Thanks and Regards,


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers,

Customer was trying within a Task UI to set a value for the coverage role in the account team MVG applet. However once the value was set, moving to the next step produces the following error message:

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    0000000246f40a1c:0    2007-09-21 16:22:18    (tasklogutil.cpp (1432)) SBL-DAT-00902: The instance with id as 1-5BIF and bc id as 0-5220 is supposed to represent a M-M child record, but the link name is empty.

The reported behavior could be reproduced and Change Request CR# 12-1LJ7B5G has been filed.

ORACLE Global Product Support

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