Applies to:
Siebel CRM - Version: [20416]Siebel System Software - Version: [20416] and later [Release: V8 and later]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
***Checked for relevance on 07-SEP-2010***
Customer was unable to run Siebel server service.
They got the following error in SvrTblCleanup log:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0000000449ae0760:0 2009-03-04 21:22:58 (oracon.cpp (3165)) SBL-DBC-00108: An error has occurred preparing a Sql statement.
Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.
ObjMgrSessionLog Error 1 0000000449ae0760:0 2009-03-04 21:22:58 (dmsessionusercontext.cpp (1163)) SBL-DAT-00552: An error occurred querying a SQL object for user information. See additional error messages for more information.
ObjMgrSessionLog Error 1 0000000449ae0760:0 2009-03-04 21:22:58 (dmsessionusercontext.cpp (640)) SBL-DAT-00546: The user-context could not be established. Something is wrong with the assigned primary position or login related repository objects. See additional error messages for more information.
Based on the error reported "Something is wrong with the assigned primary position or login related repository objects", it is suspected that the siebel application user (default SADMIN) for this SrvrTblCleanup and other components may not have a position assigned or does not have responsibility "Siebel Administrator". Suggested customer to verify and restart the server.
Customer later found out that they were moving tables from the default tablespace to other tablespace as per their production setup, resulting in several table grants missing.
Restoring the table grants resolved the issue.
Applies to:
Siebel Sales - Version: 7.7 [18026] BETA to 8.1.1 [21112] - Release: V7 to V8Information in this document applies to any platform.
User is encountering the following error when trying to run the encryptupg utility:Cleaning up... this may take a while.
This behavior is most likely caused by the tableowner database userID not having a corresponding Siebel account and/or that account not having adequate responsibilities / positions.
The error messages are actually pretty self-explanatory:
The presence of the second message leads us to believe that the tableowner does not have a matching record in the OLTP's S_USER table. This is not uncommon since, by default, the tableowner is not created as a Siebel userID.
The most likely cause of the behavior you are seeing is that the user you are using to run the encryptupg.exe is the tableowner for your Siebel on-line transactional processing (OLTP) database. While that is actually a good way of running the encryptupg.exe utility (in Oracle it actually is required), there is an issue that the tableowner database account is not by default a Siebel application login. This is why you are seeing the SBL-DAT-00546 and SBL-DAT-00254 errors.The solution for this is to create a Siebel login for the tableowner account (the default tableowner is SIEBEL). The easiest way to do this and get adequate permissions is to simply copy the SADMIN user.
1. Log into an employee facing, high interactivity Siebel application such as Sales or Call Center using an administrator ID such as SADMIN.
2. Navigate to Site Map > Administration - Users > Employees.
3. On the Employees screen do a query for the login SADMIN (or whatever your administrator user's login is).
4. Click the little Menu button on the list applet and select Copy Record.
5. Fill in the required fields making sure you use the tableowner (SIEBEL in a default implementation) as the login / userID.
6. Save the record.
After doing this, please retest the use of the encryptupg.exe utility.
Also, although not directly related to this behavior, I would like to proactively call your attention to Note 551663.1 on Metalink 3. This discusses a specific issue when using encryption with Oracle databases.
NOTE:551663.1 - Error loading dictionary file diccache.dat.(SBL-DAT-60237) when running KEYDBMGRApplies to:
Siebel Tools - Version: 7.7.1 [18306] - Release: V7z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306] DEU
Database: IBM DB2 8.1 FixPack 3
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1459241015.
SBL-DAT-00556, SBL-DAT-00546, SBL-DAT-00560Follow-up from SR 38-1453099441
1. Starting Siebel via web client fails. Please see the attached log-files for error messages.
(For translation see Siebel Error Messages > Siebel 7.7).
SBL-DAT-00560, SBL-DAT-00556, SBL-DAT-00546, SBL-SVC-00208, SBL-DAT-00385
2. Doing a full compile on the extracted local developer database fails:
Displayed error messages:
An error message has occured executing a Sql statement.
Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00105)
Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 (
File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back
According to SR 38-1371657223 we regenerate db template, extracted db again, initialize it, perform a full get but the error still remains.
Compiling a new SRF connected to the server succeded.
3. The error messages described in the attached log files do not appear using a standard SRF.
We are able to connect successfully via Web Client.
4. We are able to connect successfully using the Siebel Dedicated Web Client. The same error messages are logged in local siebel.log while using compiled new SRF.
5. We renamed the Siebel_Server/bin/diccache.dat, but errors still remain.
Thank you for your quick response.
The cause for the assertion failed error message sometimes occurs when the local db needs to allocate temporary files and does not have enough space.Solution
Message 1
DESCRIPTION:Tools stops during full compile on local db.
Doing a full compile on the extracted local developer database fails:
Displayed error messages:
An error message has occured executing a Sql statement.
Please continue or ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00105)
Internal database error *** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 102300 (
File associated with given page id is invalid or not open -- transaction rolled back
When using the unfinished srf file the following errors are shown in the client log file:
The assertion failed error message sometimes occurs when the local db needs to allocate temporary files. This files are usual stored in the path of the TEMP system variable which usual points to C:\temp. As the temporary files can grow up to 500 MB the C hard disk sometimes has no free space for the temporary files.
In this case the issue has been resolved by deleting the TEMP system variable and recreating it new.
Siebel Technical Support
Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: SIA [18372] - Release: V7Sun Solaris SPARC (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18372] Pub Sect
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 9
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3372618481.
Between 20:00 and 20:52 our Actuate reports failed with the following error messageStarting...
The user-context could not be established. Something is wrong with the assigned primary position or login related repository objects. See additional error messages for more information. (SBL-DAT-00546)
User error.
Status No: 1
Basic Error: 1000
Module: ssReport%BuildReport
Line: 111
User error.
The Object Managers were available during this time. Do you have any information on what could have caused this error.
No access to data when executing a reportSolution
Message 1
Issue Description: Between 20:00 and 20:52 Actuate reports failed with the following error messageStarting...
The user-context could not be established. Something is wrong with the assigned primary position or login related repository objects. See additional error messages for more information. (SBL-DAT-00546)
User error.
Status No: 1
Basic Error: 1000
Module: ssReport%BuildReport
Line: 111
User error.
The Object Managers were available during this time.
There was a problem with the SAN database storage at that time which caused the reports fail.
Also make sure that the SSE_ROLE is granted to the users as described in the Siebel Installation Guide.
Thanks and Regards
Oracle|Siebel Technical Support
Applies to:
Siebel Tools - Version: [20420] - Release: V8Information in this document applies to any platform.
On : [20420] version, Configuration - Dev Env
When attempting to log in as utkumar[devadmin_mktg], the following error occurs:
"The user-context could not be established. Something is wrong with the
assigned primary position or login related repository objects. See additional
error messages for more information.(SBL-DAT-00546)"
The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Login to Siebel Tools using utkumar[devadmin_mktg]
Note that customer is able to Login to Siebel Tools using utkumar as login and also using devadmin_mktg as login but not as utkumar[devadmin_mktg] which is the Data Proxy Authentication.
The issue has the following business impact:
Due to this issue, user cannot login to Siebel Tools.
Database Proxy Authentication is not supported for Siebel Tools.
According to documentation there must be a userid as the same as Database Account.
Also according to following documentation:
"Siebel Security Guide Version 8.0" > Chapter 6, Security Adapter Authentication > Configuring Database Authentication:
If you do not use LDAP/ADSI authentication, then you must create a unique database account for each user. When an administrator adds a new user to the database, the User ID field must match the username for a database account. The user enters the database username and password when the user logs into a Siebel application.
Enhancement Request #12-1VM84TB has been logged requesting support to use Siebel Tools with Database Proxy Authentication it is currently target for future version.
Oracle Customer Support
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