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SBL-ADM-09204: Could not get the notification pipe name, retCode = (%1)

Applies to:

Error Message Area:Server Administration - ADM
Version:Siebel 8.1


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-ADM-09204: Could not send a notification message because we could not get the notification pipe name, retCode = (%1)


This document is informational and intended for any user.

SBL-ADM-09204: Could not send a notification message because we could not get the notification pipe name, retCode = (%1)


Could not send a notification message because we could not get the notification pipe name, retCode = (%d)

Corrective Action

1. Check to make sure that the Notification component(AdminNotify) is up and running. 2. Enable logging for the component to capture more information in the logs to diagnose the root cause.

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