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SBL-DAT-00373: DataSource named %1 could not be found. Check your configuration file.

Applies to:

Siebel Campaigns
Siebel Marketing
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)
Version: 8.0 [20405] Auto
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3433622713.


The following errors could be seen in the Siebel Marketing Object Manager Log:
ObjMgrSessionLog    Error    1    000003d346c90d48:0    2007-08-20 13:47:41    (physmod.cpp (6827)) SBL-DAT-00373: DataSource named Analytics Web could not be found. Check your configuration file.

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    000003d646c90d48:0    2007-08-20 13:48:03    (sweview.cpp (1410)) SBL-UIF-00401: View: Campaign Literature View Admin does not contain applet: ISS Promotion List Applet.

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    000003dc46c90d48:0    2007-08-20 13:48:14    (sweview.cpp (1410)) SBL-UIF-00401: View: Campaign Execution History View does not contain applet: Campaign Load Wave Contact/Prospect List Applet.

Is any functionality loss to be expected by these?


The errors are due to the underlying code, but have no functionality impact.


Message 1

The behavior could be reproduced on fresh 8.0/8.1 installations, but no missing or not working functionality could be detected.

Change request 12-1LAUOJL has been logged to address this.

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: 8.0 [20405] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
""Checked for Relevance on 31-Mar-2010""


We are getting error while creating genbscript manually from command prompt:

"DataSource named RBTDev8Ent_DSN could not be found.  Check your configuration file.(SBL-DAT-00373)"


The customer tried to generate Browser scripts using the genbscript.exe utility from the command line interface and encountered the following error:
- - -
D:\sba80\siebsrvr\BIN>genbscript enu/siebel.cfg D:\sba80\sweapp\public\enu
CSSModel::Load failed.
DataSource named RBTDev8Ent_DSN could not be found.  Check your configuration file.(SBL-DAT-00373)
(Please wait a few seconds for this utility to finish)

- - -

Their "siebel.cfg" file was reviewed and revealed the following:
- - -
DataSource               = RBTDev8Ent_DSN
ServerDbODBCDataSource   = RBTDev8Ent_DSN

Local                    = Local
Sample                   = Sample
ServerDataSrc            = Server
GatewayDataSrc           = Gateway

ConnectString            = RBTDev8Ent_DSN
- - -

The Bookshelf mentions the following about the DataSource parameter:

Siebel System Administration Guide
Siebel Application Configuration Parameters
Siebel Application Parameters' Descriptions
- - -
Name   DataSource

Description   Name of the default data source that appears in the Connect to drop-down list in the Siebel login screen. Must correspond to an existing data source defined in the configuration file. By default, this parameter is set to Local.
- - -

The following parameter was therefore not appropriate:
- - -
DataSource               = RBTDev8Ent_DSN
- - -

RBTDev8Ent_DSN was indeed not one of the DataSource names defined in the configuration file.


The issue was resolved once the DataSource parameter was set to one of the DataSource names mentioned in the siebel.cfg file.

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: [16279] to 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V7 to V8
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Professional)
Version: 7.7.2 [18325]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server


How to setup an object manager to use EBCs (External Business Components)

Object Manager log reports

ObjMgrSessionLog Error 1 (physmod.cpp (6421)) SBL-DAT-00373: DataSource named IRMBDDataSrc could not be found. Check your configuration file.

ObjMgrMiscLog Error 1 (busobj.cpp (1345)) SBL-DAT-00222: An error has occurred creating business component 'IRM BackDoor Audit'
used by business object 'IRM Interface Analysis'.

How can the DataSource be added to the object manager parameter OM - Named Data Source name in 7.7.2?


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:


Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration > External Business Components > Process of Configuring External Business Components >
Specifying Run-Time Parameters

has most of the required configuration steps for EBCs, including information on how the EBC DataSource / named subsystem can be added to the object manager parameter
OM - Named Data Source name

In additon to that

External Business Components (EBC) - access to Oracle via ODBC? No! - Datasource configuration steps (Doc ID 525666.1)

and (for Oracle):

External Business Component Datasource Setup for thin client - NamedDataSource and DSSQLStyle in 7.8 (Doc ID 536141.1)

helped to overcome this customer's EBC setup difficulties.

Note that when configuring a new named Subsystem / Datasource on the Enterprise,
you must not use spaces in the Datasource Alias name, as these cannot be accessed - not even from the srvrmgr command line tool

list advanced params for named subsystem "EBC Datasrc" would NOT WORK there

Change request  12-1F4B85L , Enterprise Profile Configuration allows creating Alias Names with Spaces
was logged to prevent creation of such alias names.

Engineering has closed the above CR with following comments "This is not a regular UI stitting on database tables, this will have code changes on the Server side in the Admin code and hence it is not advisable to implement it".

Siebel Technical Support

Applies to:

Siebel Communications, Media and Energy CRM - Version: SIA [18379] - Release: V7
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Statement of what the issue is

When attempting to access the System Admin screens the following error occurs...


ObjMgrMiscLog Error 1 0 2008-10-15 17:38:33 (busobj.cpp (1374)) SBL-DAT-00222: Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création du Business Component 'Server Compgroup Components' utilisé par le Business Object 'Server Admin'.


This issue is caused by an incorrect nameddatasource param for the OM...

ServerDataSrc,GatewayDataSrc;ExtranetCRM (see ; between data sources)

Tested this in a 7.7 environment and get same error.



Thank you for your update.

Looking at the OM parameters you have attached we can see the NamedDataSource is set to


As you will see there is a ";" between GatewayDataSrc and ExtranetCRM. I believe this should be a ",". Can you modify this parameter in your OM to be


and check to see if this resolves the issue you are seeing.


Oracle Technical Support.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1507515387.


SBL-DAT-00373, SBL-DAT-00403


I try to configure the Marketing Server.
I installed everything, launched components, wfp ....
Then I installed Siebel Analytics on an other Server but I installed the Siebel Analytics Web Server components on the same server than the Siebel Web Server.

I follow the guidelines in the bookshelf " Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide" - " "Updating Marketing Connection Settings".

But I have still an error when I try to access to the catalog (as mentionned in "Guidelines for Testing the Marketing".
The system returns the message (in french) :
"Une erreur s'est produite en raison d'une recherche non valide du champ 'Type de paramètre'. L'expression non valide était :<?>"

In the log file of the Siebel Object Manager, I found :
ObjMgrSessionLog    Error    1    0    2004-09-17 12:34:43    (physmod.cpp (6414)) SBL-DAT-00373: DataSource nommé Analytics Web introuvable. Veuillez vérifier le fichier de configuration.

I verify everything (Outbound Web Services),Marketing server, ODBC.

Do you have an idea to help me ?

Siebel Web server is "SATAS20"
We connect with http://satas20/marketing_fra/

Siebel Analytics Web Server is : SATAS20
I can connect by using http://satas20/analytics

The integration of Siebel Analytics in Siebel is OK. I can access to Dashboard, answers.... inside Siebel.


Message 1

For the benefit of other readers, when ones click the “Folder Location” field in the Segments > My Segments view, the connection to the Siebel Analytics Web Server (SAW) is done through the corresponding Web Services (SAWSessionServiceSoap, WebCatalogServiceSoap and JobManagementServiceSoap) that should be configured in the Administration - Marketing > Servers view for the “Default Marketing Server” entry as instructed by the Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide Version 7.7 > Installing and Administering Siebel Marketing. The mentioned error was generated when invoking these Web Services to connect to the SAW in order to get the proper folders list.

The English version of the message is:
SBL-DAT-00403 : The query could not be run because there is an invalid character in the field 'Parameter Type'. Please ensure that the value in the field is formatted correctly with only valid characters.

Customer was using a French application (FRA) and upon further investigation it was determined that the error was generated due to the fact that the List of Values (LOV´s) used by the Siebel Marketing application had not been correctly translated. After checking the list of values like SAW_SERVER_DETAIL, SME_DD_SERVER_TYPE and SAW_SERVER_DETAIL_TYPE and ensuring they were translated, the error message was eliminated.

Thank you,
Siebel Technical Support.

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